Many people are not aware that your daily activity often makes your brain and body tired. Therefore, after work relaxation is such an important thing to do for people living in urban areas like [...]
Ketika orang-orang berbondong-bondong hijrah ke kota besar demi mengejar karir, saat itu juga ide cemerlang hunian bertingkat diaplikasikan. Mulai dari rumah susun sederhana hingga apartemen, [...]
There are two reasons for someone to buy an apartment, namely as a place to live and also as a long-term investment. Unfortunately, many people still do not fully understand the ins and outs of [...]
Membeli rumah, tanggung. Tinggal di rumah kos, terlalu banyak drama dan ribet. Apartemen memang jadi pilihan bagi sebagian besar orang yang merantu ke kota besar. Membeli atau menyewa unit paling [...]
Over time, the modern society lifestyle seems to shift to the individualistic one. One of the evidence is the assumption that there’s a little to no need in socializing with people around us, [...]
When a lot of people started to move into big cities for their careers, the idea of vertical dwelling came. From simple flats to apartments, all were built to meet the demand of the citizens, [...]
Today’s millennial generation tends to like practicality over anything else when it comes to doing their activities. No wonder many of them prefer to live in an apartment than living in a [...]
4 Things You Need to Know Before Flat-sharing in Jakarta Photo Credit: Pexels Finding a residency in Jakarta is not an easy matter. When you find one apartment unit or house to rent that [...]
Living in an apartment has often been portrayed as the “individualistic” lifestyle. However, that doesn’t mean that each person can do as they please to the point they bother each other’s [...]
Hidup di kota besar selalu dihadapkan pada permasalahan tentang waktu. Rasanya sehari 24 jam itu kurang ya, untuk bisa melakukan semua kegiatan yang sudah direncanakan. Jangankan untuk diri [...]