Korean fever goes all over the world, including Indonesia. Not only its showbiz, its culinary is also increasingly easy to find in Jakarta, especially in the south part of it. It’s no secret that [...]
Banyak orang yang tidak menyadari, padatnya aktivitas sehari-hari seringkali membuat tubuh dan otak merasa lelah. Karena itu, masyarakat modern yang tinggal di perkotaan, seperti Jakarta [...]
5 Best Residential Neighborhood for Expats to Live in Jakarta Photo Credit: Pexels Since Jakarta has a different culture from your hometown, it must be a big challenge for expats living [...]
Best Floor to Live On in A Jakarta Apartment Building Photo credit: Pexels Life in a hustle and bustle city like Jakarta can be very busy. As an expat living in Jakarta, what you need is [...]
We have been to coffee shops around the highly popular Senopati area and note which ones are good vs mediocre. Here we provide you our top 3 rank of coffee shops to visit in the Senopati [...]
Demam Korea masuk ke seluruh penjuru dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Tak hanya dunia showbiz-nya, kuliner ala Korea juga semakin mudah dijumpai di Jakarta khususnya di bagian selatan. Sudah bukan [...]
A Tipping Guide for Jakarta Expats Photo credit: Pexels Tipping in Jakarta or any other cities in Indonesia is not a standard practice. It’s a personal act to appreciate a waiter or a driver’s [...]
Saat mendengar kata pasar, banyak yang mempersepsikannya sebagai tempat tradisional yang seringkali dihindari karena kotor, becek, dan beraroma tak sedap. Namun, tidak demikian dengan 3 tempat [...]
Top 6 Coffee Shops in Senopati to Visit with Colleagues Photo Credit: Pexels For many freelancers, a coffee shop is a place they spend a lot of their work time in. This kind of restaurant [...]
This Is Where You Can Register Your Company Domicile Near Senopati Photo Credit: Pexels As an expat or businessman who lives in Indonesia, you might find that Jakarta is a good city to [...]