Here are 5 Recommendations for Preschool in Jakarta Photo Credit: Pexels Are you thinking about putting your child into a preschool? Well, that’s a good thought because there are several [...]
Nobody wants to get sick, obviously. However, under certain conditions, you would inevitably, even though you have maintained your health in various ways. The problem is, there are certain [...]
Enjoy Your Weekend by Visiting the Top 5 Art Galleries in Kemang Photo Credit: Pexels As the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta offers many fun activities to explore, especially on the weekend. [...]
Photo Credit: Pexels Not all expats come to Indonesia for a holiday. There are also many of them coming to Indonesia to work. If you consider yourself an individual who works in Indonesia [...]
Beware of Jakarta Air Pollution, Do These 4 Things to Stay Healthy! Photo credit: Pexels Air pollution in Jakarta is one of the worst in the world. It is caused mainly by a massive [...]
Tempat ngopi alias coffee shop di beberapa tahun terakhir semakin beragam bentuk dan juga semakin kreatif menampilkan kopi terbaik yang dipunya. Ngopi saat ini menjadi gaya hidup untuk semua [...]
Padatnya aktivitas dalam keseharian yang tak jarang cukup menyita waktu, membuat sebagian orang menjadi tak sempat untuk mengurusi rumah atau apartemen yang dihuninya. Nggak heran jika kemudian [...]
Selain sebagai tempat untuk makan, ruang makan kerapkali digunakan sebagai tempat berkumpul dan bersantai, baik bersama anggota keluarga maupun saudara yang datang berkunjung. Sayangnya, tak [...]
Coffee Shop is increasing not only in numbers but also its uniqueness these recent years. Coffee has been a part of nowadays lifestyle; from young to old, and male to female. Exciting chats to [...]
The healthy restaurant trend has started to grow in Jakarta, and it is definitely true for the prestigious Senopati area. Here we give you our top 3 rank of best healthy restaurants [...]