Beware of Jakarta Air Pollution, Do These 4 Things to Stay Healthy!

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Beware of Jakarta Air Pollution, Do These 4 Things to Stay Healthy!


Photo credit: Pexels


Air pollution in Jakarta is one of the worst in the world. It is caused mainly by a massive number of vehicles and lack of green areas. Jakartans worry that the condition will impact their health. The government and the authorities, of course, are responsible. But don’t worry, there are several things for us to do to stay healthy.

The bad quality of air pollution in Jakarta can cause a lot of things. But, it does not mean we have to hide at home. We can enjoy being outdoors while protecting our health. Here are some things to consider!

Use protection

If you are aware of the Jakarta air pollution, which will affect your health, you have to use protection everywhere you go. Jakarta Health Agency recommends all of the citizens to protect themselves from the bad air pollution by wearing a better quality facemask. This protection will deter polluted air from entering your lungs. If you go outside, especially during peak pollution days and you ride a motorbike without any facemask, it is like smoking a cigarette without a filter. Yeah, you know, it sucks. 

Forget about cheap masks you can buy in a drug store because it doesn’t help enough. You need a better quality of facemask just like Jakarta Health Agency recommends. It is a facemask with an N-95 rating, which will filter 95% of particles under 0.3 microns. This facemask is effective to filter polluted air because it has been certified by an agency of the US Government. Doctors even use this facemask during a surgery. 

Avoid exercising near high-traffic and when pollution is at a high level

Morning runs or walks will keep you stay healthy, but the high air pollution will get you asthma. Instead of getting healthy, air pollution will harm your health. Thus, if you want to do an outdoor exercise, do it in the early morning before the busy hours or in the evening once the pollution has settled. 

You also need to know the safe place to do an exercise. Pollution from a highway or a crowded place will be densest around 150-meter radius around it. If you don’t want to get asthma or reduced lung function, please avoid this kind of place. Make sure the area where you exercise is far from highways or crowded streets so that it is safe for you.  

Consume more vitamin

Vitamin will keep your health from the bad effects of Jakarta air pollution. It will boost your immune system so that your body is strong enough to resist any kinds of health problems. You might need some up-to-date vaccines to make sure everything is okay. Visit the doctor for medical check-up and get some recommendations to stay healthy in Jakarta. 

Pick the best place to live

Some areas in Jakarta has higher air pollution than other places. Housing near highways, toll, and industrial buildings might be the bad choice to live. Pollution in these areas is so high which will danger your health. Thus, you have to choose the best place to live among all of the places in Jakarta. You can pick to live in Senopati Apartment which offers nice and comfortable room during your stay in Jakarta. 


Living in a big city with a high level of air pollution like Jakarta is a big deal. That means you have to work harder to stay healthy. Indeed, you have to stay healthy wherever you live, it is just you need to multiply your effort to do so. Stay healthy, folks!

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