How Expats Can Get an Indonesian Driving License (SIM)

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How Expats Can Get an Indonesian Driving License (SIM)

Photo Credit: Pexels

Indonesian Driving License or known as SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi) is an official document permitting you to operate motorized vehicles (car or motorbike). It is issued by Indonesian National Police (POLRI) for those who have met the requirements, and physically and mentally healthy as well. Steps for applying an Indonesian driving license are listed below.

Get to know types of Indonesian driving license

Before getting started to do the procedures to get an Indonesian Driving License (SIM), first you need to know license’s types in Indonesia. There are five types of Indonesian driving license:

  • SIM A: for 4 wheels private passenger vehicle or cargo (weight under 3,500 kg)
  • SIM B1: for private passenger vehicle or cargo (weight over 3,500 kg)
  • SIM B2: for cargo vehicle or other heavy vehicle with trailers, semi-trailers, or other large rigs (weight over 1,000 kg)
  • SIM C: for motorcycles
  • SIM D: for individuals with disability

However, expats is only allowed to get the A and C license types. Expats with KITAS (limited stay permit) may be entitled for a year SIM. For KITAP (permanent stay permit) holder, you’ll get SIM like locals (with 5 year period of validity).

Meet the requirements

There are several requirements to get Indonesian driving license. Basically, you must be at least 17 years old. In addition to age requirement, you must provide related documents as follows:

  • Original passport (also provide a copy of passport page that contains information of identity, visa, and entry stamp).
  • Original and copy of valid KITAS or KITAP.
  • Original and copy of foreign driver’s license or international driver’s license (if applicable).
  • Surat Keterangan Sehat (medical note), can be issued at the police station.

Applying more than one type of license is treated as TWO separate applications, so make sure to duplicate the requirements for each license.

Make sure to go to the right place

In Indonesia, driving license is issued by Indonesian National Police, but not all police offices are allowed to issuing SIM. In Jakarta, you can go to Satuan Pelaksana Administrasi SIM (SATPAS) Polda Metro Jaya, located in Jalan Daan Mogot 12.8, West Jakarta. You can come early in the morning to avoid long queue (the office opens at 8:00 AM).

Prepare for the tests

After submitted the documents and fill the form, now comes the hardest part: the tests. There are 2 types of tests for applying SIM. First is the theoretical test; and second is the practical test. The theoretical test consists of 30 multiple choices questions. If you are already fathoming the Indonesian’s traffic rules, the test is quite easy. You can do the test simulation here.

If you pass the test, the officer will take you to the practical test. For SIM A applicants, the test will be conducted with manual transmission car. Same goes with SIM C (motorcycle), you’ll use manual transmission vehicle and perform some tasks. One thing for you to remember: don’t be nervous because it can make you fail.

About validity period and renewal   

After passing the test, you then need to go to the counterto pay the application fee. For a SIM A, it’s IDR 120,000 and IDR 100,000 for SIM C. There are also fee for optical test and psychic test (for Surat Keterangan Sehat) approximately IDR 100,000. After completed application fee payment, you need to wait for biometric data recording (fingerprints, signature, and photo). The officer will inform you once the SIM is done.

The SIM you receive will be valid for a year (KITAS holder) or 5 years (for KITAP holders). You can renewal it without undergo the same tests in the same office as mentioned before (or the assigned posts). The renewal fee is IDR 80,000 for SIM A and IDR 75,000 for SIM C.


By following steps above, you can drive and ride legally in Indonesia. Make sure to prepare all the requirements before submit your application. Now you can get the Indonesian driving license by yourself. Looking for residence in Jakarta? Senopati Apartmentwith a strategic location and close to CBD is a perfect deal. Comes with complete facilities and high security system, you’ll find a great comfort while living in Jakarta.



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