How Much is the Cost of Living for Expats in Jakarta?

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How Much is the Cost of Living for Expats in Jakarta?


Photo Credit: Pexels


Living cost is one of many questions worth answering for expats who want to live in Jakarta. As one of the biggest cities in Indonesia, living cost in Jakarta might be higher than other cities. This is an important thing to consider for expats who especially are at the beginning to build their own company in Indonesia. So, how much is the cost of living for expats in Jakarta? Is it really expensive? Let’s find out the answer and the complete information below!


Since there are various housing rents available in Jakarta, the cost also ranges from affordable prices to expensive ones. It all depends on the area in which the building located. For instance, the average cost of rent room (much like a homestay or a dorm) is about IDR 3.5 million per month if it’s located in the downtown. The cost can be cheaper if it’s located in the suburban area.

However, compared to the apartment, the rental cost of rent room is relatively cheaper. For 1 bedroom apartment in downtown, you need to spend at least IDR7.5 million for the rental cost. This cost can multiply up to three times if you prefer to rent a 3 bedrooms apartment, with the rental cost will be about IDR24.5 million per month.


You can save a lot of your living cost in Indonesia if you cook your own foods at home. Even though there are quite a lot of inexpensive restaurants in Jakarta, you still need to spend at least IDR 35,000 for a one-time meal. Assuming that you eat three times a day, you will have to spend about IDR 105,000 for food alone for a day.

With the same amount of money, you can buy many home-cooking ingredients such as eggs (around IDR 24,000 per dozen), 1 litre of milk for around IDR 20,000, 1 kg chicken breasts for around IDR 47,000, and many types fruits. The best part is that you can stock them for days.


You don’t have to worry about transportation in Jakarta since this city offers various types of transportation. One of the most preferred options is online-based ridesharing. All you have to do is download the app and use it to order a ride. The fare takes from IDR 2,200 to IDR 3,300 per kilometre.

As alternatives, you can also use public transportation like TransJakarta, which one-way ticket only costs for about IDR 3,500. Since April 2019, Jakarta also finally now has its own MRT that costs around IDR 3,000 to IDR 14,000 – which depends on your destination. But if you prefer to drive on your own, the gasoline (high-quality one) costs around IDR 9,000 per 1 litre.



Leisure and Clothes

The living cost in Jakarta really depends on the type of lifestyle you are doing. Jakarta has a range of entertainment options. There are tons of malls you can explore each weekend. In this city, you can get engaged in many leisure activities such as watching movies (IDR 100,000 for two people), enjoying a cup of cappuccino (IDR 50,000 in expat area of the city), or having dinner in a nice pub (IDR 250,000 for two people).

Meanwhile, in terms of shopping for clothes, 1 pair of Levis Jeans usually costs around IDR 600,000, which you can also find at malls. For those of you who are looking for a nice summer dress, chain stores at Zara and H&M usually sell it for around IDR 400,000. Need to get yourself running shoes? A pair of Nike Running Shoes is available at the cost of IDR 1,1 million.


Basic utilities for average household per month, including electricity, water, and gas is around IDR 900,000 to IDR 1.5 million. In the digital era like today, you will also need internet plan, which you can install with the cost of IDR 400,000 to IDR 600,000. Meanwhile, 1-minute of prepaid mobile tariff local is around IDR 2,000. In addition to that, you also need budget for laundry. The monthly cost is usually around IDR 400,000.


Those are some information about living cost for expats in Jakarta. Living cost in Jakarta can increase due to the economic situation in Indonesia. However, to measure your monthly living cost according to the information above is so likely applicable. Your living cost could be higher or lower, depending on your own lifestyle, but on average, living cost in Jakarta for expats is not considered very high compared to other countries.

Looking for residence in Jakarta? Senopati Apartment with strategic location, close from CBD, is a perfect deal. Comes with complete facilities and high-security system, you’ll find a great comfort while living in Jakarta. Write a comment below if this was helpful for you!


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