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No longer exclusively designed for workers in a big city, apartments are also a solution for college students, especially from other cities. In Jakarta for example, there are many apartments [...]
Smelly, muddy, and dirty. Well, maybe those are things that come to your mind when hearing the word “Market”. However, this is not the case with these 3 unique shopping places located in South [...]
What’s unique about Jakarta is that malls are places where people hang out. Moreover, there are upscale, luxury malls in Jakarta which are particularly expat-friendly. Here are the top 3 [...]
Yang membuat betah tinggal di Jakarta Selatan adalah fasilitasnya yang lengkap, mulai dari tempat pendidikan, gedung perkantoran, pusat perbelanjaan dan tempat berkesenian juga tempat hiburan [...]
Well, a family quality time is unarguably priceless, yet many times, it’s hard to get, especially if you live in a megapolitan like Jakarta. So when there comes one- especially with your little [...]
Kamar tidur adalah salah satu tempat favorit yang kerapkali digunakan sebagai tempat beristirahat sekaligus melepas lelah. Karena itu, demi meningkatkan mood saat tidur, kamar tidur harus dibuat [...]
Not only for eating, the dining room is also often used as a place for gathering and relaxing, especially with family members or relatives. Unfortunately, some people still get confused about [...]
In recent years, child day care is increasingly popular and needed. This is especially true for those who don’t hire an assistant to take care of their children. Moreover, child day care services [...]
Salah satu trik yang kerapkali dilakukan oleh marketing properti dalam memasarkan produknya adalah dengan cara membagikan brosur, yang disebarkan baik secara online maupun cetak kepada calon [...]
Memilih tinggal di apartemen berarti sudah siap dengan berbagai pengetahuan tentang apapun di dalamnya. Sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli atau menyewanya, Anda harus sudah tahu berapa hitungan [...]