Smart Ways of Choosing an Apartment Based on Compass points


There are eight directions you can see on the compass, but only four of them, namely east, west, north, and south which are used to be a reference for house direction. Each direction has its own advantages and disadvantages which should be adjusted according to each person’s taste and needs.

Many people consider this thing when they are planning to buy property, such as an apartment. However, they would probably get confused at first. This is coupled with the fact that their decision will affect the comfort of the occupants.

Well, worry not! Here are some tips about choosing the direction of your apartment.


Facing east, the apartment will get maximum sunlight in the morning. That is, it will give a warmer and more beautiful sunrise view which is also very good for its inhabitants’ health.


In contrast to facing east, you will get enough sunshine during the afternoon if you have an apartment facing west. If the sunlight is not blocked in any way, it would increase your room temperature. Nonetheless, you can expect a beautiful view of the sunset in this apartment.


Well, apartment facing north tends to not getting both the morning and afternoon sun. It can make the unit look shady and dark, but it still has added value because you won’t be worried about excessive sunlight coming to your rooms.


Many people are quite fond of the south direction, which is fairly exclusive. Unlike the north that doesn’t get much sunlight, the south direction would still be exposed to the morning and afternoon sunlight.

Regardless of which direction you choose, each of them has some advantages and disadvantages depending on what kind of view you want to see from your apartment. Well, if you have an apartment with a nice view on all sides like Apartemen Selatan, maybe the direction wouldn’t be a problem for you.

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