This Is Where You Can Register Your Company Domicile Near Senopati

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This Is Where You Can Register Your Company Domicile Near Senopati

Photo Credit: Pexels


As an expat or businessman who lives in Indonesia, you might find that Jakarta is a good city to establish a company. This city is a metropolitan, which has great support for almost everything, including running a business. The good news is, foreigners are allowed to establish a representative office in Indonesia. You can establish your company as long as it meets the requirements of the Indonesia company registry. What are they, and where to go to register your company in Indonesia? Here’s a list to help you out!

Notary for the deed of establishment

Indonesian rules state that the name of official enterprises should be at least three letters. Please keep in mind that this official name of the company is for legal purposes only, so that your brand or service can have a different name. Once a company name has been selected, you must find a licensed notary to write the company’s articles of association. Then you need to submit the deed of establishment. Remember that in the presence of the notary, all of the shareholders must sign the document. If the shareholder can not participate, they must use legal power.

Local tax office to make tax identification number (NPWP)

You will need to apply for company tax Identification at a local tax office once you have obtained your deed of establishment. Your initial tax ID will be sent directly to your company address by the state. You will also receive a domicile letter from the regional government when you get your tax ID.

One Single Submission System (OSS) to receive NIB

In 2018, the Government of Indonesia launched the Online Single Submission System (OSS) that facilitates the registrations of the remaining company measures. You can access all the remaining documentation—including your company registration number—at once using the program. These records include the import permit, the Customs Identity Network, the business registry number, and your company’s health and social security program (BPJS Kesehatan and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) automatically registers.

OJK to obtain an operational license

For any Indonesian enterprise, whether small and medium-sized or large-scale, the acquisition of a business license is mandatory. It is because the license would legalize their business in Indonesia. Licenses are becoming important for businesses. Your company may be suspended by the government without licenses. Once the OSS system generates a NIB for your company, you need to go to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to obtain an operational license. The company may begin commercial operations by then.


Now you know how to register your company in Indonesia. The process of registering your company will take around three weeks up to a month and a half. If you need a place to stay in Jakarta during the process of registering a foreign company, you can live in Apartment Senopati, Jl, Senopati No. 4, South Jakarta. Hope this helps!


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